Salesforce Code Analyzer Command example/Sample
Installing Salesforce code analyzer:
Go to VScode -- > New terminal - -> Enter below command
(It installs analyser)
Project location > sfdx plugins:install @salesforce/sfdx-scanner
To check whether the code analyzer is installed or not:
(It checks whether the code analyzer is installed or not)
Project location > sfdx plugins -->
To generate a report Go: to the command prompt
and enter the below command :
(Can generate different reports like .xml, and .csv as well)
Project location > sfdx scanner:run --target "**/default/**"
--outfile results.html
GENERIC COMMAND for Code Scanner
$sfdx scanner:run --target './force-app/main/default/' --projectdir
'./force-app/main/default' --format csv --outfile=codereviewGeneric.csv
CPD Command
$sfdx scanner:run --engine cpd --target './force-app/main/default/'
--projectdir './force-app/main/default' --format csv --outfile=codereviewCPD.csv
DFA Command - Graph Engine (this one takes time to generate report)
$sfdx scanner:run:dfa --target './force-app/main/default/' --projectdir
'./force-app/main/default' --format csv --outfile=codereviewDFA.csv
reference from :